Annapurna Trek, 2008
Free Spirit
Ye not grieve for me, for I am free
I followed the natural path, laid for me
I took His hand when I heard Him call
I stayed on track to leave it all
Not another day could I stay
To joke, laugh, to love, to work, worry or play
Undone tasks must stay that way
In His footsteps you may say
If my leaving has left a void
Joy remembered in silence will give the nod
A bond shared with love, laugh and hugs
Hmmm, such moments, I too shall miss
Do not weigh down with moments of sorrow
In Him is the sunlight of tomorrow
I lived my life in full, I savored much
Good friends, family and a loved one’s touch
Maybe my time seems all too brief,
Do not stretch it with undue grief,
Raise your spirits and trace my spree
The maker wanted me now, He set me free.
His blessings are all that I had for me
His blessings is all I leave for you
I am free to become love
You too shall, my love, if you vow.